Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Andrew Watson

As I was researching places to travel in Australia, on Google, I ran into the photographer Andrew Watson. I came across one of his photos of the Daintree National Park and loved the landscape he took. It was also a panoramic view, which intrigued me more since I didn't come across a lot of photographers that had a whole section dedicated to panoramic views. He is a photographer for the Cairns and North Queensland area of Australia, which I thought was pretty awesome since those are the areas I was researching about for the trip. 
This is one of his panoramic pictures of the Barron Falls in Kuranda Rain forest. If you want to see more pictures of the Great Barrier Reef or anyways around Australia, you should check him out. I loved how he did a slow shutter speed to slow down the raging falls for a more silky water effect. 

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